Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wedding Bells Are Gonna Chime

To continue with the theme of the week, I give you my friend Marisol's wedding.  Marisol is one of my favorite people.  This is obvious considering I braved the drive through Midtown Manhattan and through Queens to attend her lovely wedding.  If you've never driven through Midtown...DON'T.  I'm convinced the drive cut at least 2 years off my life. But, she flew out to snowy Chicago on a moment's notice for mine, so I'll say we're even. 

She married a wonderful man who really is perfect for her in every way.  It's obvious that he adores her, and I am so happy that they found each other. 

Now, enough of the mushy stuff, and onto the pics!


Oh yeah--those are bobble heads. 

My favorite part was that during the ceremony, they used a laptop to update their facebook statuses..stati..(what the heck is the plural of status anyway).  Because, let's face it, nothing is official until it's facebook official.

Now, I know I'm a bad blogger since I didn't get pics of the centerpieces, or the extensive dessert table, or 1 of the 3 different pasta stations during the cocktail hour.  But hopefully through the shots above you can see how full of love the day was, and not chastise me too much. 

As far as weddings go, this one is pretty far up there.  Amazing food (seriously: 3 pasta stations, 2 carving stations, Asian food, seafood, chicken, fruit, veggies, AND passed appetizers.  And that was just the cocktail hour).  The centerpieces were lovely (take my word for it) and the signature cocktails : The Haitian Sensation, and the Dacocarican were yummy and tropical and made me wish I went with them to Puerto Rico for their honeymoon.

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