When Sean is at class and I don't feel like cooking a full on meal for myself, breakfast for dinner is my go-to. We had some bacon in the fridge and the rest of the ingredients (minus the bread) were from our farm share at
Greensgrow. I fried up the bacon first and NO I did not eat all of it--Sean has some for his breakfast in the morning or a snack when he comes in from class tonight.
are you drooling yet?? |
I poured the excess grease into our grease jar...did everyone's mom do this growing up or was it just mine? HI MOM! I left enough in the pan, though, to fry up an egg. I love me some drippy eggs let me tell you. And I have finally mastered the egg flip that keeps the yolk intact. The eggs from Greensgrow are amazing. You really can taste the difference between fresh eggs and store bought. I may never eat a store bought egg again.
thank you free range chickens! |
I made two pieces of toast and buttered one up for dipping while I slathered the other with goat cheese that I still had from last week's farm share haul. Goat cheese has that tang that tastes amazing with the buttery egg.mmmmmmmmmm. I also used some arugula from our produce this week that added a peppery crunch to my open faced sandwich. Since I'm a cheese-aholic I sprinkled parmesean and the Vampire Slayer cheese on top. The Vampire Slayer is a garlicky, spicy, soft cheese that's very distinct and very delicious. I used it in a grilled cheese the other day and it added just the right amount of kick.
Sophie Conran Butter dish and fancy glass make it a meal! |
See...YUMTASTIC! And afterwards I ate something that really has no business being in the same meal with all these fresh, organic, farm-grown goodies: a TOASTER STRUDEL! (The amazing competition to Pop-Tarts that, much like Hot Pockets can only be served still frozen in the middle or boiling lava hot. Thanks
Jim Gaffigan). Now those things are seriously amazing and I ate them for breakfast the entire time I was in middle school. Not sure what my mom was thinking---FROSTING for breakfast??? Although I thank her for introducing me to the wonder that is a Toaster Strudel I'm pretty sure it didn't help me keep my girlish figure during my awkward years.
1. That looks fab and I know what we're doing for dinner tomorrow! YUM.
ReplyDelete2. I have mad love for Jim G. I was just telling my mom at lunch that I've heard all his stuff a million times and I STILL LAUGH! He is hilarious.